Monday, March 22, 2010

Keep Tiger talking

Tiger Woods has finally done something right.

And no, I am not talking about his latest confession.

He finally dumped spin-doctor Ari Fleischer.

Ari, for those sports fans who don’t get out too often, was the press secretary for President Bush.

As such, he perfected the political art of saying nothing while pretending to say everything – and even sounding sincere about it.

We do not need this from Tiger.

We need him to talk like a golfer, not a governor.

We need all the sleazy details on his sordid life. We need names, dates and locations. Then more of them.

We do not want a bland “mistakes were made” statement released through a spokesman.

That’s what politicians do when they are caught with a staff member or intern (or a goat in the back forty).

Tiger supposedly cut Ari loose because "his very presence gave the impression that (he) was being stage-managed in his return to the public eye."

Duh. Now why would people think that?

With Ari out of the way, Tiger is now free to spill his guts on his secret life.

And given the number of his, uh, girlfriends and some of the weird text messages he sent, sports fans should be entertained – I mean informed – for a long time to come.

Tiger, you may now play through!


Anne said...

Tiger Tiger, burning bright.
If you don't do it, others are free to make up your story all by themselves. Not that they had any trouble getting all the salacious details from the women "friends", including photos snd big bucks contracts from book publishers.
Like the song says, "If I can't sell it, gonna keep sittin' on it. Never gonna give it away!"

Galoshes WD-40 said...

Say, do you suppose Tiger and Octomom, could, like, you know...