Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Ice, ice baby

It’s nice to know that some families still have their priorities right.

Like the granny who camped out at a certain location for 43 hours to make sure her little grandson got what he wanted.

How heartwarming.

Was it a slot in a prestigious school?

Or maybe a chance to apply for a coveted job?

How about an opportunity to do something exotic, like take a cruise around the world?

Uh, no, no and no.

Granny plopped down her behind ... so her grandson could place the first order at a new ice cream store.

And we wonder why we are being out-hustled and out-innovated by other nations.

I just hope that if some country is going to attack us, they have the decency to give us a little notice so we can get ready.

Or at least think about what to do while we pack our mouths with ice cream.

1 comment:

Massive Ferguson said...

Blue Bell is just ice cream. In a blind taste test with any other brand no one could tell the difference. Moooove along, folks, nothin' much to see here.