Friday, March 06, 2009

School daze

I’m a soft touch. If I’d seen the sign, I probably would have made a donation.

What sign? The marquee outside Carver Elementary School in Yuma, Ariz.

The school has run out of money, and teachers are turning in district-supplied cell phones and personally buying supplies for their classrooms.

So the message on the marquee from the principal was simple:

“No money — please donate supplies.”

And it worked, too. Folks driving by have chipped in $700 so far.

Nice idea. Personally, I think it would have been even more successful if the marquee had read:

“Pleze asist da edukashun of yur kidz by givin’ us sum dollerz.”


Anonymous said...

District-issued cell 'phones? Really? This sounds like one of those teacher-gives-out-condoms myths.

Anonymous said...

When I see some kids, I wish SOMEBODY had given out condoms to their mommas and baby-daddiys.

Sven the Viking

Anonymous said...

Port Arthur?

Anonymous said...

Norway. Ya should see how my relatives act.

Sven the Viking