Friday, March 27, 2009

Labor strife

Good thing I majored in English at the ivy-covered institution I attended. (Or was that kudzu?) ’Cause I know all about irony.

And in Washington the other day, the irony was so thick you could spread it with a butter knife.

You see, several dozen employees of the Service Employees International Union were picketing their own union headquarters over its decision to lay off about 75 workers.

In fact, the Union of Union Representatives (there’s a title to remember) which represents organizers and field staff, filed charges of unfair labor practices and age/race discrimination against the union.

And what does the heartless “boss man” have to say about all this?

According to the AP, “SEIU spokeswoman Michelle Ringuette calls the complaints meritless and says the layoffs were made because the union is shifting organizing work away from its national office to local unions.”

A likely story.

I say, “Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your deferred pension plans and your floating holidays! And your 401(k) isn't looking too perky either!”

Sigh; can’t we all get along?

1 comment:

Mack said...

Just as the Department of Veterans' Affairs is about itself, not about veterans, he last thing any union is concerned about is the worker; a union is all about its bosses.