Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rich (rhymes with rich) II

Just as you expected, there’s more to the story about the Swedish countess who says she can’t get by on the $43 million promised to her in a pre-nup by her wealthy (and elderly) husband (soon to be ex-husband).

As one of my previous blogs captured so, uh, brilliantly, Marie Douglas-David, 36, wants more of the loot amassed by hubbie George David, 67.

Now she’s put a number on “more” — $99 million.

Why so much? Well, Marie says that because they talked about his work, that makes her sort of a business partner and not just a trophy wife/bimbo.

I dunno. Many of her “business” discussions with the breadwinner were not overly technical, such as:

“Georgie, I think we should invest in snow. There’s a lot of it this winter.”

“Is a business ‘merger’ like when two people get it on?”

“The tax laws are unfair; we can’t write off the diamond collar for my poodle!”

“Why don’t poor people have more money?”

… We’ll let the courts sort it out. When it’s over, they’ll both probably be wealthy — and so will their lawyers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this woman a financial advisor to The One?