Tuesday, March 24, 2009

If it wasn't for bad luck ...

So are we supposed to feel sorry for Tsutomu Yamaguchi … or envy him?

Tsutomu, as you may or may not know, has the dubious distinction of being the only person in history to have survived both atomic bomb attacks.

Incredibly, tough-luck Tsutomu happened to be in Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945 on a business trip. Bad timing. That was the day the Enola Gay flew overhead.

Tsutomu was severely burned on the upper half of his body and spent the night in the city — or what was left of it.

Then he returned to his hometown — Nagasaki — just in time to get nuked again!

Holy cow! Isn’t that like rushing to get the last ticket on the Titanic or trying to buy the last share of Enron stock?

But even though he was microwaved twice, Tsutomu’s still ticking. In fact, he’s 93, an age that lots of non-nuked folks never achieve.

So there it is: He’s been through hell — twice — but he’s still here.

What a guy. Just don’t ask him the secret of his old age.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Mr. Tsusomu went to the local pub, kicked back with a cold one, and said to the lads "Hey, boys, let's just hang around and get bombed, eh?"

Anonymous said...

Mack, that was harsh and insensitive. Thanks.

Sven the Viking