Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger's tart

If you can stand one more twist to Tiger’s tawdry tale, consider this:

One of the tramps he cheated with wants him … to apologize to her! And on top of everything, she’s a porn star!

It’s true, sports fans.

Joslyn James watched Tiger Woods’ confessional video on Friday – with her attorney at an L.A. radio station.

That last part is important, because skanky Joslyn wants the apology, as the news story put it, “for the unwanted attention the scandal has brought her.”


Correct me if I’m wrong, although I think we both know that I rarely am, skanky Joslyn’s affair with Tiger was unknown to the world … until skanky Joslyn called a press conference to announce it!

In other words, she spilled the beans and is blaming Tiger for the mess on the floor.

And how do you insult a porn star?

Still, she wants an apology – and not just a long-distance one.

“I would be open to a telephone apology from Tiger, but I really feel that I deserve to look at him, in person, face to face, in his eyes, because I didn’t deserve this.”

Puh-lease! Skanky Joslyn has just redefined unmitigated gall, which is quite an accomplishment because she sure can’t spell it.

Once again, I think we’ve all learned a lesson here:

If you roll around with a pig, you’re gonna get muddy.

... Tiger’s wife must be cringing. Not only did he sleep around, he chose some tarts that self-respecting drunks would turn down.



Massive Ferguson said...

Giving up that stupid baseball cap was a start.

chicks58 said...

Her next step will be to sue him for palimony, how sad this sl*t is. You can bet that lesbo Gloria Allred there is tapping that. Give me a break young woman go back to work.

Anne said...

"She works hard for her money,
So hard for it Honey"

Galoshes WD-40 said...

One hopes someone will count all the first-person pronouns in The Checkmarked One's pro-forma apology.