Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How to handle a psycho killer

I have never been on the receiving end of a mass shooting. And I hope I never am.

But if I do find myself in that unfortunate situation, I won’t be nicey-nice with the deranged shooter/killer.

Take that incident at the University of Alabama in Huntsville last Friday, when a truly nutty professor opened up on her colleagues in a faculty meeting.

The psycho, Amy Bishop, killed three professors and wounded three others.

It was a highly unusual workplace shooting, in that the deranged shooter/killer was A) a woman, and B) a Harvard-educated neurobiologist.

Most brainiacs, particularly the female kind, aren’t into violence. The worst they might do is toss off a multi-syllabic insult with footnotes available.

Another odd thing about this shooting was the reaction of one victim.

According to the news story, “ … Bishop aimed the gun at (Debra Moriarity, a professor of biochemistry) and attempted to fire. When the gun didn't shoot, Moriarity pushed her way to Bishop, urged her to stop, and then helped force her out the door.”

Thank God Moriarity wasn’t hurt. But I think I’d have done a little more than “urge” the shooter to stop and “force her out the door.”

As in, I would have tried to put her on the ground quickly and violently.

This is a nut case who has just murdered some of your friends and is now gunning for you.

This is not a time to urge or push. It's a time to swing for the fences.

The shooter needs to get unconscious ASAP – and if she never wakes up from that condition, well, there’s one less creep in the world.

... At least the shooter’s attorney can’t trot out the usual claim that she should be spared the death penalty because she’s mentally retarded.


Poncy Tworbt, MA said...

You only say that because you are a sexist swine. If ONLY someone had tried to reach out to that poor woman. She is the REAL victim. Her shooting was a CRY for HELP. And it's George Bush's fault. And the NRA's. And white males everywhere.

-- Poncy Tworbt, MA, Grief Counselor and Youth Minister

Anonymous said...

You've got some nerve second-guessing a person who finds herself in a sudden life-and-death situation.

Look at you, you've got all week long to decide what to write, and you still write mostly crap.

Anonymous said...

poncy tworbt you can not be for real with your comment ,that she is the victim here and that its an ex president, an notional organization , and every other white male in America for her actions i am sure none of these people ,nor the NRA , George Bush have any idea of life robing bitch even breathed upon the planet earth! in fact you two are probably related! grief counselor youth minster, well you probably have f--ked several people with your beliefs haven't you ? sure that's the easy way blame everyone else we should make, nor drive cars anymore either people have wrecks and die! i am curious though how did such a retard get in your position ??? hummm

Massive Ferguson said...

Fry her, fry her, pants on fire!

Poncy Tworbt, MA said...

Anonymous! Can it be -- my long-lost love? Can we tell your wife now? I will never forget that dreamy evening at the gas-station coffee table, and that never to be forgotten night in the parking lot when you whispered viagra into my ear.

Anne said...

I just LOVE people who have no clue what irony and sarcasm really mean to the blog-o-sphere. Where would we bloggers be without such cannon fodder?
And WHy can they never, ever spell or punctuate?
Just askin.'
AND I might add, Thomas,that packing a dang pistol all day makes your pants fit funny,and they clunk on the floor of the mens room when you have to drop your pants, make people think you're wearing a catheter and will get you a total patdown if a cop ever stops you, assumong you don't get shot first.