Monday, February 15, 2010

Climate chaos

So what’s the deal on global warming? A month ago, it was a dire threat to Life As We Know It.

Now, the same scientists who had been shrieking frantically are saying, “Hey, hold on a minute here. My bad. The earth might even be cooling!”

If you’re confused, that’s OK. It’s hard to see how any non-scientist can make sense of this nonsense.

It’s not just a cold winter – although that does seem to undercut the polar-ice-is-melting-now hysteria.

Now some of the guys in white coats are saying that the other guys in white coats are relying on bad data.

Like weather stations that produce false readings because they’re located by heat-generating equipment.

Duh! Even Homer Simpson wouldn’t make that mistake.

OK, maybe he would. But he’s dumb cartoon character.

It shouldn’t happen with brainiacs with multiple degrees who use big words like “irreversible” and “indisputable.”

I still don’t know if were gonna freeze or boil.

But before we turn the nation’s economy upside down and start driving tandem bicycles to work, we might want to find out.


Anne said...

I knew I was keeping a horse around for some reason.

Mack said...

Feed the warm-earthers to the polar bears.

Quanell XLax said...

I've said all along this was a hoax. Al Gore should be prosecuted for fraud and return his peace prize.

Massive Ferguson said...

Nuclear power, coal, and oil equal independence from the Moehammedans. Stop buying from them and they will return to doing things with goats>