Monday, October 12, 2009


It was a truly senseless crime.

That would be, of course, the theft of a statue of Thurman Thomas.

You see, for some reason a wood carver in New York created a huge statue of the former Buffalo Bills running back. No one seems to know why.

The Bill and Thomas are only known, to the extent they are known at all, for losing four Super Bowls.

This is not the sort of thing one tends to memorialize. I mean, when was the last time you were in the William Jennings Bryan presidential library?

Even more absurd is that then someone stole the thing. And it was not easy, as it stood 8½ feet tall and weighed over half a ton.

And they took it the day after it was unveiled! Were they worried that another gang of thieves would beat them to it?

If that is the only thing worth stealing in Orchard Park, N.Y., that town is in serious trouble.

The only logical answer here is that someone wanted to stock up on firewood for the coming brutal winter in upstate New York.

Even then, if I was the owner and I got a ransom call, I'd tell the crooks, “We can discuss a price … but only if you pay me to take it off your hands?”

1 comment:

Mack said...

This country's obsession with health, music, art, literature, chess, and living thoughtful, reflective lives of grace and dignity is getting ridiculous. Ridiculous, I say!