Friday, July 31, 2009

Do the crime, pay the fine

I never knew that illegally downloading music was such a serious no-no.

As in the Boston University graduate student who was ordered to pay $675,000 to four record labels for filching 30 songs.

Good grief; that’s $22,500 per song!

What woulda happened if he had also spit on the sidewalk or put a tin can in a glass recycling bin? Would he go straight to the electric chair?

Hey, it could be worse. The defendant could have been socked up to $4.5 million. Compared to that, the $675,000 fine is downright lenient.

Compared to everything else, however, it’s reeaaallly severe.

“I used the computer. I uploaded, I downloaded music ... I did it,” said student Joel Tenenbaum.

There it is, in his own words. The monster! Off with his head!

… In other news across the country, a bunch of murderers and rapists got probation.


Mack said...

I stand second to no one in my defense of private property rights, but this does sound ham-handed, even if the kid is a smarmy jerk who did himself no good by running his mouth.

Massive Ferguson said...

How curious that another man, one who threatened the president's life, got off with probation while this kid and Michael Vick got nailed badly for much lesser crimes.