Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Grand-mommie dearest

Move over, Octomom. The title of “World’s Most Irresponsible Mother” has shifted to Maria del Carmen Bousada, a Spanish woman.

Actually, make that the late Maria del Carmen Bousada. She passed away the other day at the age of 69, a common fate for people approaching their seventh decade.

But what made Maria memorable was her bizarre decision, at age 66, to get in vitro fertilization treatment, which resulted in the birth of twins.

(By the way, Maria did the deed at a clinic in Los Angeles. Didn’t nutty Octomom get her womb loaded up at a clinic in Los Angeles? Hmmm.)

So now her two 3-year-olds are left motherless, and someone else will have to raise them.

If this had happened in the normal course of events, it would be a tough break but no one would be at fault.

But of course this occurred only because an irresponsible old woman made a stupid choice, and a we-don’t-ask-a-lot-of-questions clinic happily fertilized her as soon as the check cleared.

Remember this the next time some hag gets her 15 minutes of fame for becoming a mother in her 50s or 60s with the help of a we-don’t-ask-a-lot-of-questions clinic.

It ain’t right. It’s selfish and short-sighted. Grand-mommie’s chances of being alive — and more importantly, active — for at least the next 18 years are not real high.

Clinics ought to have reasonable guidelines. At least other people can stop cheering on these clowns and gushing over the "miracle" of another weird birth.

1 comment:

Mack said...

Selfishness. She should have thought of the kids. But she was clearly simple; the really creepy individuals are the Doctors Strangelove who appear to be straight out of C. S. Lewis' THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH.