Monday, July 06, 2009

If you can’t stand the heat …

… Stay out of the prison.

’Cause in Texas, prisons aren’t air-conditioned.

Our front-page story Monday highlighted this annual problem.

If you were tempted to fell sorry for the inmates, don’t. A prison cell is not supposed to be a suite at the Hilton. Or even an upstairs room at a Motel 6.

If the steamy summers motivate more inmates to stay out once they get out, that’s a good thing.

If you want to feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for the folks who work at prisons. They have a tough job to begin with. From May to September, it’s even tougher.

Actually, you can feel sorry for yourself — if you pay taxes.

I predict it’s only a matter of time until some judge somewhere says the lack of air-conditioning in state prisons is cruel and unusual punishment.

And then you get to foot the bill for the retrofitting of many large prison buildings.

It will be a large bill, too. It may be so large that you have to turn off your air-conditioning every now and then to pay for it.

Now wouldn’t that be ironic?

1 comment:

Anne said...

This also means that the large numbers of staff are working in the heat in uniforms, body protecting armor, in many cases and breathing the uncircumcised air ans sweating like a plastic shower curtain. It means every time someone sneezes, farts, coughs or waves a stinky armpit around, all the hired help has to live with it. Does that sound like the sort of working environment conducive to a healthy workplace?
The laws of the state and their own misdeeds put them there but it's a horrible work environment.
Clean air isn't a luxury, it's a health issue and air conditioning isn't a perk in this situation. Those air filters do more than keep the units running, they help keep the air cleaner.