Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Plush prison preferred

The rich are different from you and me.

For one thing, they don’t like being in prison cells with people like you and me.

Take Texas financier R. Allen Stanford for example. Please, take him.

Seems that Stanford, who was jailed on a little matter of a $7 billion (that’s billion with a B) Ponzi scheme, doesn’t like being locked up with a bunch of commoners.

His private prison in Conroe has no air conditioning, and he’s sharing digs with up to 10 other inmates. (That could be kind of embarrassing when Nature Calls.)

In fact, defense-attorney-to-the-rich-n-famous Dick DeGuerin said in court filings that the conditions were “intolerable.”

Didja hear that? Intolerable!

Stanford wants to be transferred to a swankier cell at the Federal Detention Center in downtown Houston, preferably in a wing with a nice wine list, concierge service and big-screen TVs.

OK, I made up that last part. But he does want out of the crowded hot-house in Conroe.

No telling how the judge will rule on this legal mind-bender. If there is any justice in our justice system, however, he will tell him not only no, but hell no, and just for that, I’m going to jam four more sweaty inmates into your cell.

That’ll teach him to be a thieving weasel. And if it doesn’t, at least it will be verrrry satisfying.

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