Friday, April 10, 2009

AK? No way!

The current government of Iraq wants back the chrome-plated pearl-handled AK-47 that once belonged to Saddam Hussein. And we’re coughing it up!

This rifle has got “spoils of war” written all over it. Well, not literally, but you know what I mean.

It would make a nifty trophy for some U.S. Army base, which is what was planned in Fort Lewis, Wash. That is, it was until the boys in Baghdad decided they wanted it for one of their museums.

Why? Saddam was a beast who slaughtered, abused and imprisoned countless thousands of Iraqis. His crazy legacy should be erased, not enshrined over there.

And we, being so nice and legalistic, are cheerfully complying.

Gee, whiz. After all we’ve done for Iraq, all the blood and treasure we’ve left there, somebody over here at the top of the organizational chart should've said, “Sure, you guys can have it back … as soon as the you satisfy the cold-dead-fingers requirement.”

Always remember:

The British fight for honor.

The French fight for dignity.

Americans fight for souvenirs.


Mack said...

Constructing a moral equivalence between genocidal maniacs like Hirohito and an American G.I. is a false analogy.

Anonymous said...

Me want shiny gun!

Sven the Viking

Anonymous said...

Me, Ron Paul, and shiny gun! Uh-huh!

Sven the Viking