Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Unity government?

This is probably crazy, but ...

President-Elect Obama wants to start off strong.

He says he wants to unite the country, and there are several ways he can do that.

How about this one:

Offering John McCain the job of defense secretary.

That post suits McCain's abilities. It would help inoculate Obama against the inevitable charges that he is a wuss of a liberal who won't stand up to the bad guys.

Obama doesn't have to worry about McCain not getting along with him and other Cabinet members.

If he doesn't, he can can him and say he tried to reach out.

It's a good deal for McCain too.

Instead of going back to a Senate where he's part of a weak minority, he becomes a player for the next four years.

Think about it, Barack, and John.


Anonymous said...

Tom, you looked good on KBMT last night.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see you; I was whimpering over my keyboard while the spouse-person was watching Flip This Chef or something.

-- Mack

Anonymous said...

Don't think it is in BHO's master plan to have a strong. Knowledgeable Military man in that position. I don't even think Powell the the fence jumper will get that job. His campaign promise is to negotiate and back out of Iraq and anywhere else his "Bros" are getting an ass whipping. Sorry my true feelings are showing, and that's not in the unity spirit. But he's gonna have to show me something. His constituents could give a rats ass how we fare in the world as long as he get the wealth spread.

Anonymous said...

Realvoter is bang on. Both McCain and Powell betrayed those who gave them their start as cruelly as The One dropped all his old acquaintances when he no longer needed them. The One knows better than to trust these two.

-- Mack