Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Most holidays have been twisted beyond recognition by someone or something.

Christmas has often turned into a consumer frenzy. Halloween has often been re-branded as a Satanic plot. New Year's Eve is an excuse to get loaded.

Thanksgiving is different. Thank God.

It’s hard to be cynical about the simple act of giving thanks. This is not about getting more or envying others. It’s about being grateful for what you have in life, even if your life isn’t perfect.

Here’s a tip: It never will be. You will never have the looks, the loot or the love life of an Action Movie Hero.

We should never stop trying to improve our lives — in meaningful ways. But we should be truly grateful we live in this country and have things that many other people on the globe can only dream about.

Give thanks on Thanksgiving … and every day.

FEEDBACK: What are you thankful for?

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