Friday, November 07, 2008

The Nobel Prize in Beer

News item: Researchers at Rice University are trying to genetically alter beer so that it can help your body fight ailments such as cancer, heart disease or Type 2 diabetes.

If you must know, the guys in the white coats are genetically modifying the yeast in beer so that it will produce resveratrol.

That, of course, is a naturally occurring compound in red wine and other foods believed to have cancer-fighting and cardiovascular benefits.

Sometime in the future:

“Honey, could you grab me another cold one as long as you’re in the kitchen? … Hey, I’m just tryin’ to stay healthy for you and the kids.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As Kirbyvillain Dick Martin of happy memory said, beer should be poured back into the horse it came out of.

-- Mack