Monday, November 17, 2008


So Hillary Clinton could be Barack Obama's secretary of state.

It’s not a bad consolation prize, but she was hopin’ to be doin’ the pickin’.

Maybe she could take along Bill for some road trips. It will keep him out of, ahem, trouble back home, and he can renew old friendships abroad with world leaders.

If Hillary does stake out State, John Kerry will be mighty ticked off.

He had his eyes on that plum job, too, and he thinks he’s paid his dues much longer than her.

Personally, I think Obama is right to choose her and reject him. Kerry, more so than most senators, is an arrogant windbag.

That job needs someone who can get things done, not look good at those endless international conferences making endless international speeches.

We shall see. In the meantime, I’m pretty sure that for attorney general, we can rule out … Eliot Spitzer and John Edwards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hillary made her deal with the, oh, Zeitgeist. She is a Clinton. The new President should have extra folks to check the brakes, the wiring, the gas, the health of the pilot, and any odd smells emanating from the cuisine.

-- Mack