Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pricey parking

Hey, whatever happened to the recession?

It must be over in Boston, where some rich guy put down $300,000 for a parking space.

You read that right. Not a parking garage, but a parking space.

I thought New Yawk had the toughest parking problem. Now Beantown tops ’em.

This will make it even harder for the Big Apple to swallow this fall when the Red Sox win the division and the Yankees have to back into the playoffs as a wild card.

But back to parking: Does the space come with any extras, like freshly painted yellow lines? A shiny coat of blacktop? Free litter pickup? Is the darned thing even covered?

If I was gonna shell out $300K for a parking space, I’d want it to be a nice one.

And what if some other guy parks in The Space?

Do you leave him a nice note asking him not to do that again? Or do you bill him $8,219.18, which is the daily cost of a $300K per year space?

I know; more questions than answers. And I haven’t even touched on the bigger mystery:

Why do we drive on a parkway and park in a driveway?

1 comment:

Mack said...

Perhaps the owner could spare a few coins for some laid-off worker to sweep the space once a day.