Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Finally, some good news

The last few days have been pretty grim.

At long last, however, the bad news has been offset by one of those heartwarming, feel-good stories that brings tears of joy to even the toughest among us.

And we needed it. We’re seeing democracy crushed in Iran and craziness spinning out of control in North Korea. Swine flu won’t go away and the summer heat is getting hotter. The Astros aren’t mathematically eliminated from the division race, but that’s because it isn’t July yet.

It’s one of those periods when you struggle to get up in the morning and keep plugging away, forcing yourself to put one foot in front of the other.

But then you read something like the following news item, and it restores your faith in humanity. Your blood pressure drops and you can't get that smile off your face. You know that life is worth living and that sometimes dreams come true.

Here is the lead from a story by Reuters; it says it all:

“PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) – A U.S. drone killed at least 45 Pakistani Taliban militants on Tuesday when it struck after a funeral of an insurgent commander killed earlier in the day, Pakistani intelligence officials said.”

I’m too choked up to continue; talk amongst yourselves.


Mack said...

Some vague World Court will now demand that the pilot be arrested. I can't imagine Dear Leader pinning a medal on him.

Galoshes WD40 said...

Dear Leader will apologize to the religion-of-peace-head-cutter-offers.

Sven the Viking said...

At least the controller or pilot wasn't water-boarding!