Friday, February 27, 2009

Blind justice

We’ve all heard about the slower pace of life in the South, but this is ridiculous.

In Tennessee, the Carter County Sheriff’s Department is trying to serve an 80-year-old warrant for the arrest of a man who wrote a $30 bad check.

These lawmen don’t even know if a certain J.A. Rowland is still alive.

If he is, he’d better have some pocket change. Not only does he still owe $30 for the bad check, on top of that you can add $2 for the arrest fee and 50 cents each for the affidavit and warrant.

Man, they weren’t kidding when they said crime didn’t pay.

And why go through all this nonsense?

Well, clerks in a Georgia sheriff’s office found the warrant buried in a records storage room while cleaning it out.

So they mailed it to Carter County, Tenn., where the sheriff says he is still legally obligated to find the perp and haul him in.

OK, sheriff, if that’s the case, here’s a tip:

Try the cemetery.


Anonymous said...

So we need to amend the statement, nothing is for sure except death and taxes...and warrants. Run for the hills, little old guy. Run like the wind.

Anonymous said...

Sleep sound, Tennesseans.

-- Mack

Anonymous said...

Sleep sound, Mack.

Sven the Viking