Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blago-Burris blathering

The Associated Press wrote:
“An increasingly embattled Sen. Roland Burris said he ‘welcomes’ the opportunity to answer renewed questions from authorities and elected officials about how he landed a coveted Senate appointment from ousted Gov. Rod Blagojevich.”

I wrote:
Burris also “sharply disagreed” with a colleague who said a peanut butter sandwich would make a better senator.

Blago later insisted that the growing scandal “does not prove I was the lousiest leader since Caligula.”

Burris went on to say that “not every Chicago politician is crooked. … Just most of ’em.”

Blago also swore that he would be vindicated by a jury of his peers “assuming my lawyer can get 12 dirtbags seated.”

… For more developments on the Blago-Burris moronathon, please stayed tuned to any media outlet because something seems to happen with distressing regularity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that a politician would know who Caligula was.

-- Mack