Wednesday, October 08, 2008

You can't teach stupid

So what kind of an idiot would put garbage in a recycling bin?

Dunno, since you’d have to be an idiot to figure it out.

But I guess it’s the same type of idiot who would screw up a dozen other things while remaining blissfully ignorant of all the crap-trails he was leaving behind him.

Case in point: The temporary recycling center at the Market Basket grocery on Phelan Boulevard in Beaumont had to be closed right after Ike.

Why? Well, more than one extremely stupid person was putting garbage into bins designated for paper, glass, etc.

“People were throwing different food products in there, including spoiled meat,” said City Manager Kyle Hayes.


People like that need to evacuate during hurricanes so they won’t bother anyone else here.

And I’m talking far, far away.

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