Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pacman benched again!

Poor Pacman.

All that Adam Jones wants to do is be a football player by day and a thug at night, and mean ol’ commissioner Roger Goodell keeps raining on his parade.

Pacman was suspended yet again for yet another “incident,” as they are usually called in news reports.

This time — and he does get more creative each time — Pacman got into a fight with his own bodyguard hired by the Dallas Cowboys to keep him in line.

(Amazing. I don’t recall Bill Clinton or George Bush ever getting into a scuffle with a Secret Service agent.)

Now Grumpy Goodell has suspended Pacman for four games in this season. His latest problem came only six weeks after he was reinstated following a 17-month suspension.

If you’re keeping score at home, Pacman has been suspended for about as many games as he has actually played. I think that's some kind of NFL record.

Enabler-in-chief Jerry Jones, the Cowboys owner who eagerly signed Pacman over the offseason, mumbled the usual excuses. “I do agree with the commissioner in that he needs to address some things and show that he’s aware of that and address those things.”

Yeah right, Jerry. Get ready to say something like that the next time another chronic trouble-maker -- Terrell Owens -- goes off the deep end.

T.O. has been getting closer to another temper tantrum as the Cowboys founder, having lost two of three games. If the Rams knock them off in St. Louis this Sunday, look for fireworks.

Meanwhile, Michael Vick sits in a prison cell patiently (does he have any other choice?) and waits for the day when he will don the blue-and-white uniform of what was once called “America’s team.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Dallas Cowboy feetball players can pursue retirement careers with the Atlanta Police.

Really, the only football is high school football; beyond that it becomes a matter of aging never-was-es yelling at the Orwellian telescreen.

-- Mack