Thursday, October 16, 2008

Animal crackers

There’s wacky, and then there’s really wacky.

Take Jennifer Thornburg of Asheville, N.C. Or as she is now known after legally changing her name, “”

That’s right. Jenn’s an animal rights nut, and she thinks that cutting up critters (even if they’re dead and provide invaluable insight to students and doctors) is icky. Hence the name change.

One reason why Jenny may have gone over the edge at just 19 years of age is her super-tolerant parents.

Her daddy, Duane Thornburg of Daytona Beach, Fla., said, “I understand why she’s done it. Believe it or not, I totally respect it.”

Gee, Duane. If my daughter did something absurd like that, I don’t think I’d say, “I totally respect it.”

I think I’d say something like, “YOU %#@& IDIOT!!! WHAT THE %#@& WERE YOU THINKING!!!”

But that’s just me.

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