Wednesday, May 28, 2008


It was an innocent mistake. In fact, it happens all the time in geography class.

A Czech soccer official mixed up Latvia and Lithuania.

A Czech team was playing a Lithuanian team, but some Czech guy put the Latvian flag in the game program along with a photo of the Latvian team. Then they played the Latvian national anthem before the game.

(I believe the song is entitled, “Latvia, what a really nice country, and by the way, it is not Lithuania.”)

If you’re Latvian or Lithuanian, you are undoubtedly cheesed off at this slight. For the umpteenth time, your two countries have been confused. You’re probably wondering, “Give us a break! Does anyone ever mix up Spain and Portugal?” (Actually, sometimes I do that.)

But really, can anyone who isn’t from Latvia or Lithuania tell these two countries apart?

Both are small, obscure European nations that begin with the letter L.

Nobody famous has come from either one.

Their top three sports are soccer, soccer and soccer.

Their top three national foods are sausage, boiled cabbage and some unidentified soup.

… Both should stop griping and be thankful they aren’t Transylvania.

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