Monday, May 12, 2008

Bullet Brain's bargain

“Bullet Brain” must be smarter than he looks. Or awfully lucky.

How else do you explain the deal he finagled on Monday?

Joshua “Bullet Brain” Bush was facing trial for six felonies. He pleaded guilty to two of ’em (surprise!) and got the other four dismissed. And his time behind bars has been capped at 10 years.

Maybe something like 10 years is what he would have ended up with anyway. If so, I guess his plea deal saved taxpayers some money.

We’ll know on June 13. That’s when he’s sentenced.

Still unresolved is the status of the slug in his skull.

“Bullet Brain,” of course, insists that it did not come from the attempted robbery of a car lot in Port Arthur.

I doubt it, but that may be irrelevant.

Assuming the slug is made of lead, and knowing that lead is a poisonous substance, it doesn’t seem that “Bullet Brain” has many options.

He can leave the round in his crown, and risk lead poisoning.

Or he can let prison docs yank it out. Then ballistics tests might prove what police said about it all along.

Whatever. I think this is one of those problems that will take care of itself.

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