Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Taliban troubles

And you thought your job was rough.

In the Pakistan Taliban, you could get capped by the Americans or the Pakistani government … or your fellow gang members!

For example, the head honchos of the Taliban in Pakistan were holding a special meeting to decide who would replace their former leader, Baitullah Mehsud. Mehsud, it seems, had met an untimely demise at the business end of a missile fired by an American drone.

And what happened at this special meeting? Well, tempers flared … some things were said … and in the amusing words of the news report, “A fierce fight broke out during the Shura (Council) meeting … in which two favourites for Baitullah’s successor, Hakimullah Mehsud and Mufti Wali-ur-Rehman, were killed.”

Holy cow, haven’t these guys ever heard of conflict resolution? … OK, maybe they haven’t, seeing as they’re murderous thugs and all that.

Still, that’s what Johnny Carson used to call a rough crowd. What if you were planning the New Year’s party for the office and you ordered the wrong snacks? Let’s just say it could be your last mistake.

Back to Mehsud: According to the New York Times, this guy got nailed by a drone when he was, of all things, getting a drip infusion for his kidney ailment from one of his two wives on a rooftop.

I kid you not!

Good grief. If you were Public Enemy No. 1 in Pakistan and you knew that a U.S. drone was flying around looking for you, it might be wise TO STAY OFF ROOFTOPS!

What a bunch of clowns. I’d sure hate to be their life-insurance salesman.

1 comment:

Galoshes WD40 said...

How DARE you speak ill of The Religion of Peace? We have much to learn from them. They built great buildings in the middle ages. They saved geometry or something. They had great academies when we were living in caves. Women LIKE to be submissive and wear bundles of clothing over their heads.

Have I left out any of the blah-blah-blah forced on us?