Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Punks, prison

Every now and then, somebody ends up behind bars and doesn't belong there. It’s terrible. It should never be taken lightly.

On the other hand, there are lots of scary, violent losers who need to be caged up like animals. Because, well, frankly they behave like animals.

Take Michael Gonzales. He was being sentenced for two murders in Odessa this week but he had to be removed from the courtroom. Seems he couldn’t suppress the urge to scream out threats and profanities.

And at least he was honest about it. As he told the judge who asked him if he would stop the outbursts, “I’d lie to you if I tell you ‘no.’ Whenever my blood rises I speak my mind.”

Thanks for the candor, Mikey. Hope you never breathe free air again.

Then there was Shawn Jones of Port Arthur. He’s the dirtbag who was sentenced to 70 years for firing an SKS assault rifle indiscriminately in 2006. It happened, of all things, during the filming of a rap video by the late Pimp C. Talk about irony.

Anyhoo, Jones is a real character. In his 32 years on this planet, he’s managed to rack up 19 criminal convictions. 19! That’s more than two for each year of his life, and I’d be willing to place a small wager that he wasn’t caught every time he was jaywalking, if you know what I mean.

Oh, and while he was locked up for his various shenanigans, he was cited for 90 incidents of misconduct. 90!

Good riddance to these clowns and their kind. Lock ’em up, and forget where you hung the key.


Poncy Tworbt, MA, Grief Counselor and Therapist said...

Oh, Tom, you brute! Clearly you have failed to understand these young men's special needs. If only you would extend the hand of compassion and sensitivity and recycling so that we can all hold hands and sing songs of unity and drink rain-forest green coffee together. Sniff. You ought to be turned in to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for your insensitivity.

Sven the Viking said...

And then there is the Beaumont Police Department's finest, and protecting the working girl.

This is not BPD's fault, of course; they did their partto get rid of Officer Pantsdown; this is the fault of some demented arbitrater.

But what good and true officer wants to share a locker with Officer Pantsdown?

Massive Ferguson said...

From the unfortunate episode of Officer Pantsdown, we conclude that:

1. When a working girl sells, um, a joyful hour or so, the state calls her rude names and arrests her as a criminal.

2. When a working boy buys that joyful hour using our taxes, he's a good fellow.

3. Public-sector unions are more powerful than private enterprise.

Mack said...

If only policemen were allowed to marry.