Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More fun with criminals

So which is it: Is Jermaine Cooper just another dumb thug, or is he a crafty crook?

I report; you decide.

On the dumb side, Cooper got caught recently when being chased by cops in Fort Wayne, Ind. You see, he broke off the 90-mph pursuit to pull into a Taco Bell and grab a burrito.

Apparently he was absent that day in Criminal School when they taught that stopping in the middle of a high-speed pursuit pretty much increases your chances of getting caught to 100 percent.

On the other hand, Cooper told cops he “knew he was going to jail for a while” and just wanted one last burrito. So maybe he’s not so dumb after all.

What do you think?

A) Cooper is an idiot for quitting the chase. (Hey, those things are fun!)

B) Cooper is a free spirit who deserved that last burrito. (Maybe even some extra hot sauce.)

C) Anyone who craves a Taco Bell burrito for his last meal is pathetic.

1 comment:

Poncy Tworbt, MA, Grief Counselor said...

Well, now, ahem, yes. You see, um, Tom -- I MAY call you Tom? -- the misunderstood lad was making an anguished cry for help and for sexual healing. The burrito, you see, er, um, is a phallic symbol of this less fortunate young man's sexual repression and oppression and depression in a society, um, which sees speed as an uberimage of the sexual id in a rage of existential angst, and, like stuff. The young man needs understanding, not jail and manhandling at the crude paws of beefy fascist pigs.