Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Scary headlines

Feces-throwing monkey on the loose in Tampa Bay

That was the headline splashed all over the Internet on Wednesday.

It was one of those stories you didn’t need to read any further to know that it was bad news.

A loose monkey is one thing — believe me. A feces-throwing monkey? My friend, that is trouble squared.

Here are some other headlines you simply do not want to read in the next few days, or ever:

“Obama to name Blagojevich as Secretary of the Treasury, says nation needs some ‘Chicago Action’ ”

“Super Bowl to be canceled, replaced by International Chess Festival”

“Dow Jones falls into negative territory; stocks now not worth anything”

“Wade Phillips out in Dallas; Jones brings back Switzer for second stint”

“Cruise to star in new Hitler flick, ‘Adolph, the Early Years’ ”

Gun goes off in Utah restroom, shatters toilet

(Wait a minute; that last one was real.)

FEEDBACK: What is a scary headline you do NOT want to read?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Monkeys throwing feces -- also known as the sophomores?

-- Staying SOOOOOOOOOO Anonymous on this one!