Friday, January 09, 2009

The eyes have it

The year is young, but I’m pretty sure Andre Thomas wins the Ickiest Story of the Year award.

Andre, of course, would be the Texas Death Row inmate who ripped out his remaining eye (after doing the same to his first) and ate it.

Wow. There are two possibilities here:

1) Andre is insane, as his lawyer claims, and should be spared from execution.

2) Andre is not insane but is reeeaaallly determined to avoid the whole Dead Man Walking thing.

Either way, I think the state’s newest blind man deserves a break here.

Give him a life sentence instead -- and be real careful about letting him have anything sharper than a rubber ball.

And finally, let’s please not have any jokes about prison food.

Yuck. Mega-yuck.


Anonymous said...

I just can't see it.

-- Mack

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was keeping an eye out for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Really, what was his focus?

Anonymous said...

Put a lid on it.

Anonymous said...

Feast your eyes...oops...eye on this!

Anonymous said...

If TDC knew this man was so disturbed they should have had someone eyeshadowing him.

Anonymous said...

But maybe the prisoner did it quick as a wink.

Anonymous said...

He's going to miss his friend Iris.

Anonymous said...

Instead of the deathn penalty the state could give the man forty eyelashes.

Anonymous said...

We need to move him to an eyeland!