Monday, January 05, 2009

Blago's blunders (continued)

Now that Monday Night Football is over, America needs some serious entertainment to get through these dark winter months. Thank God we’ll always have Illinois politics.

In the latest episode of this ongoing soap opera, Gov. Rod Blagojevich has gone ahead and appointed someone to replace President-elect Barack Obama in the U.S. Senate. Blago did that even though he’s about to be impeached for trying to auction off Obama’s old seat like it was a rare Picasso.

(Note to Blago: Picasso is not an alderman from Chicago.)

The guy Blago appointed, former Illinois attorney general Roland Burris, wants everyone to act like nothing happened and treat him like a real senator.

Real senators, even Democrats, are less than enthusiastic about that option — because Blago is about to be impeached for trying to auction off Obama’s old seat like it was a rare Picasso.

(Second note to Blago: Picasso is not a reserve outfielder for the Cubs.)

In fact, Burris, who lacks the modesty and restraint that Illinois politicians are known for, said of those reluctant senators, “We are hoping and praying that they will not be able to deny what the Lord has ordained. I am not hesitating. I am now the junior Senator from the state of Illinois.”

Roland, Roland, Roland!

First, you aren’t a senator until you’re sworn in. This isn’t like Chicago politics, when you assume the office when the money changes hands.

Secondly, I was not aware that your ascension to the Senate was “what the Lord has ordained.” There’s always a chance that God wants to do the right thing here, which may or may not involve you.

What a mess. None of this would have happened if Blago hadn’t tried to auction off Obama’s old seat like it was a rare Picasso.

(Third note to Blago: Picasso is not an outside linebacker for the Bears.)

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