Monday, December 22, 2008

Ralph, again

It wasn’t exactly the political story of the year: A judge dismissed a lawsuit by perennial candidate Ralph Nader that accused the Democratic Party of conspiring to keep him off the ballot in the presidential election.

Boring, you say? Irrelevant to life as we know it?

Absolutely. Even more so because Ralphie’s lawsuit was about the 2004 election, not the one we had in November.

How could this thing linger in the courts for four long years? How much money was spent on lawyers kicking this can down the road month after month?

Please go away, Ralph.

99 percent of Americans have never voted for you.

The 1 percent who did will never admit it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Put down the deposition, Ralphie; you'll sue your eye out.

-- Mack