Friday, January 29, 2010

Edwards exposed

Dear John: (irony intended) What were you thinking?

Did you ever for a moment actually believe that your (ick) “sex tape” with Rielle Hunter would remain secret?

John Edwards is making mop-haired Rod Blagojevich look like Winston Churchill here. Worse, he's making horny Bill Clinton look like the pope.

Johnny Boy, you may recall, was the Democrats’ VP nominee in ’04 and a serious candidate for the top spot in ’08.

If the phenom called Barack Obama had decided to sit out that race and get a little seasoning, Edwards could be in the White House today (instead of his ex-wife’s doghouse).

Yet in 2006, when the race for the presidency was just getting going, John and Rielle decided to get it on before the camera.

Puh-lease! How could he not know that would eventually boomerang on him like a nuclear weapon? Wasn't he a super-smart lawyer?

And now the mixed-up mistress wants the tape back. Morals? Hardly. She probably realizes it’s worth big bucks. And what does that say about her I.Q. in letting this gold mine slip through her fingers?

What a seamy, stupid mess.

I used to think that Ross Perot was the looniest person who almost/maybe became president. John Edwards has now taken that trophy from him.

Let’s hope no one outdoes this stunt.


Mack said...

Like watching rattlesnakes mating, this tape would be both repulsive and yet somehow compelling.

Massive Ferguson said...

Kinda reminds me of DELIVERANCE.

Galoshes WD-40 said...

Is that pornography or DEMOgraphy?

Anne said...

What's up with the sex tapes anyway? Too cheap to buy one or download some off the computer machine? Now, all of a sudden, people are making sex tapes, right and left, in and out and hanging from the rafters.

Poncy Tworbt, MA said...

John Edwards makes my little heart go pitty-pat.

Massive Ferguson said...

more like he lets your little BRAIN go pitty-pat.