Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Thank you for robbing us, please come again

This happened last week and it’s been sticking in my craw.

A Wendy’s in Nederland got held up by some clown who pulled a knife … while sitting in his pickup in the drive-through lane!

Good grief! If you are the guy or gal wearing a paper hat and manning the mike at that Wendy’s, there is NO WAY the robber can hurt you in the drive-through lane!!!

To review here: The robber is in a pickup OUTSIDE the building. You are INSIDE the building. You are looking at him through a WINDOW about the size of TV screen.

The robber is not going to stretch out his arms 10 feet and stab you. He is not going to crawl out of his pickup truck’s window and through your tiny store window to get at you.

If you think that somehow he could defy the laws of physics and do either of those things, you could CLOSE THE WINDOW!

In other words, he CANNOT HARM YOU! So why do you GIVE HIM THE CASH anyway!

Aaarrrggghhh! What is this country coming to? How can our nation’s youth compete with the Japanese when they can’t even handle basic fast-food robbery etiquette?

Don’t they teach this stuff at orientation any more, such as right after telling the employee to always say, “Can you repeat that order?”

Please don’t tell me the window worker made Employee of the Month.

1 comment:

Mack said...

Stop talking about my family!