Monday, June 16, 2008

Tattooed out

There are some things you’d love to be involved with personally. For example, watching a Super Bowl (in the stadium, not on TV) or seeing a presidential candidate in your town (again, in person, not on the idiot box).

Then there are some things you might not want to be part of. For example, being one of the 415 people tattooed in a 24-hour period by a tattoo artist who wants to set the world record for laying down the most ink in a day.

That’s what Oliver Peck did last week in Dallas.

He called the experience “an adrenaline rush.”

Some of the people who apparently will do anything to be involved in a world record agree. Then again, in future years some of those folks will call their tattoo “the biggest mistake I ever made.”

All of the tattoos, incidentally, were of the number 13. And this was done on Friday the 13th.

Isn’t that mega-unlucky? And can the average tattoo artist spell “triskaidekaphobia?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now, Tom, tattoos do have one meaningful purpose -- the relatives can use the tattoos to identify the corpse of their loved one who died from whatever weird diseases were on the needle.

Oh, yeah, sure it's sterile, it's a law, right? That's why tattoo parlors are so clean and are staffed by professonals.

-- Mack