Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Un more time

It’s happened again! And by “again,” I mean for the second time (that I know of) since 2000.

A politician has “unconceded” an election.

Al Gore first plowed this embarrassing ground in 2000 when he conceded Florida and therefore the whole election to W.

Then he thought about it some more, and he unconceded. (Instantly cheesing off W., who was probably already starting to draft his inaugural speech.)

Sort of like Kerry in ’04, who voted for the bill before he voted against it.

Anyhoo, this time, it’s that darned 23rd House district in upstate New York.

On election night, Nov. 3, Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman conceded to Democrat Bill Owens.

Since then, however, Hoffman has realized that 10,000 absentee ballots remain to be counted, and he’s down by only 3,000 votes.

Hence his unconcession.

Who knows how this will play out. But what if Hoffman really does end up losing?

Will he concede again? Does he re-concede or just recede? Or un-unconcede?

Or just admit he’s a dumbass who jumped the gun?

I guess this is why “unfriend” was named the word of the year.

1 comment:

Anne said...

"Will he go round in circles?
Will he fly high like a bird up in the sky?"