Thursday, November 19, 2009

No complaints here

OK, maybe Congress isn’t entirely worthless.

For example, at least we have Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver who is pushing to have the day before Thanksgiving declared the nation’s official “Complaint Free Wednesday.”

It’s about time.

Congress has declared special days/weeks/months for everything else imaginable. There’s even a National Rutabaga Appreciation Week.

OK, there isn’t. But there could be, ‘cause lots of other silly things get honored.

At least a Complaint Free day has some logic behind it.

For one blessed 24-hour span, you couldn’t carp about the recession, gas prices, global warming, instant replay, Snuggies, anyone named Kardashian, Starbucks, the Detroit Lions, vampire movies, the war of 1812, Vladimir Putin, sour milk, Henny Youngman jokes, twist-off bottle caps, hurricanes, Bigfoot, warranties that expire too soon, the European Union or the bitter dispute over the Florida recount in 2000 that seemed to last forever.

For one peaceful moment in the space/time continuum, we would be grateful for what is good and sweet and pure instead of resentful about what is bad and smelly and annoying.

And the kumbaya feeling would naturally carry over through Thanksgiving Day.

But on Friday morning, it would be open season again on anything and everything.

I can’t wait. … Did I mention that I can’t stand anyone named Kardashian?


Anne said...

Rep Cleaver, I hope it happens, but I'm sure someone will ... complain about it.

Massive Ferguson said...

I suggest a day in which people who have never worked, do not work, and do not propose to work stop complaining that not enough is being done for them.