Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Do the crime, do the time

I’ve mentioned this old joke before in this blog, but a current news item demands a replay.

(Hey, if TV can do it, why can’t I?)

The news blurb is that an elderly gentleman is robbing banks in the San Diego area.

The robber in question has been christened – what else? – the “Geezer Bandit.”

Gramps has knocked off five banks since the summer. Maybe he pulls a job when the Social Security check is late.

Whatever. The old joke goes like this:

A 90-year-old man robbed several banks but was eventually caught, tried and convicted. He was standing before the judge about to be sentenced.

“This is pretty serious,” the judge said as he went over the records. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to sentence you to 20 years in the state prison.”

The old thief was appalled.

“But judge,” he protested, “I’m 90 years old. I don’t think I can do 20 years!”

The judge, a thoughtful man in his own right, paused for a few second before replying:

“Well, then just do the best you can.”

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