Monday, July 07, 2008

That was then, this is now

John Kerry, a Democrat, says John McCain, a Republican, doesn’t have what it takes to be president.

“John McCain ... has proven that he has been wrong about every judgment he’s made about the war. Wrong about the Iraqis paying for the reconstruction, wrong about whether or not the oil would pay for it, wrong about Sunni and Shia violence through the years, wrong about the willingness of the Iraqis to stand up for themselves,” Kerry said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

No big surprise there. Democrats and Republicans don’t like each other much, and I believe there is an election for president in a few months. Republican senators don’t have nice things to say about Barack Obama.

But Kerry’s quips are curious for another reason.

Four years ago, when Kerry was the Democratic nominee for president, he wanted McCain to be his VP — even though he was a Republican.

It was a bold, gutsy offer. It probably would have gotten Kerry elected.

But McCain — after some wavering — declined.

Good thing. They probably wouldn’t have gotten along ... seeing as Kerry changes his mind so often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Least weird" is not a choice; the two major parties have failed us, and the third-party candidates are goofy beyond belief. We need a George Washington, and are offered only incarnations of George III.

-- Mack