Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Copper shocker

I don’t wish death on any criminals, except those who murdered someone. But it’s hard to feel sorry for James McKay, 51, who died a pretty agonizing death last weekend in Dallas.

You see, McKay didn’t have to check out so soon. He was trying to steal some copper when his fatal accident occurred. Unfortunately for him, he chose to cop the copper … from a utility pole chock full of high-voltage wires.

That was not smart. In fact, it was extremely stupid.

In the process of his attempted crime, McKay was severely shocked and burned.

According to the AP, “A Dallas Fire-Rescue official said McKay had suffered third-degree burns and was burned on about 50 percent of his body. On Friday, live television coverage of the 1½ -hour rescue showed McKay’s shirt in tatters, his jeans mostly burned away from his body. His skin looked red and he appeared to be in extreme pain as rescue personnel eased him down a fire truck’s extended ladder.”

Before McKay passed away, I wonder if anyone asked him, “Uh, dude, like WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suspect that McKay's relatives are thinking about suing everyone within a quarter-mile radius of the event: "How could you endanger my baby by putting those wires so close to the ground?" "Why didn't the fire department arrive sooner?" "I saw that beastly fireman mishandle my child!"

-- Mack