Friday, February 08, 2008

Quiz time

The following statement was made by a prominent person this week. See if you can guess who the quote was about:

“We loved her. We respected her. I worshipped her and I still do. … (There was) nobody stronger, nobody smarter, nobody more compassionate. … When (she) died, part of me died. The best part.”

OK, who do you think this person was talking about:

A) Princess Diana

B) Mother Teresa

C) Eleanor Roosevelt

D) Anna Nicole Smith

The answer, if you can believe, is D) Anna Nicole Smith.

I know, you’re thinking: “Wow! I thought it would be one of those other famous women. I didn’t know Anna Nicole was that brilliant. I thought she was just a bimbo airhead who finally OD’d.”

Well, that’s what I thought too.

But Howard K. Stern, her lawyer/boyfriend felt otherwise. He blabbed those things and more about Anna Nicole at a memorial service Friday in the Bahamas, where the poor girl left this earth for wherever it is people like her go.

It does make you sad. We’ll never know how high Anna Nicole could have soared. She might have won a Nobel Prize. Or discovered a cure for cancer. Or starred in another trampy movie.

Whatever. We’ll let Stern and the other parasites battle over her fortune. Thank God Paris and Britney are still alive (for now) and can carry the torch for a new generation.

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