Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hang in there, Kevin!

Miracles do happen.

Sometimes they are big, like when an airplane that is about to crash gets back under control.

Sometimes they are very small, like when Kevin Everett wiggled his toes.

When I heard about the paralysis of this former Thomas Jefferson High School star, I felt like I’d been kicked in the gut. Paralysis from the neck down is horrible beyond description.

To be honest, I think it’s better to be dead than left in that condition.

I’m no doctor, but I know that when these injuries happen there is rarely good news.

Yet against all odds, the former Buffalo Bills tight end can “wiggle his toes, bend his hip, move his ankles, elevate and kick his leg, as well as extend his elbows and slightly flex his biceps,” according to the Associated Press.

Kevin has lots of mountains left to climb. Forget about pro football; that is over forever. But if he can walk and use his arms, he will be the luckiest man alive.

He needs our prayers and support. Let’s make sure that both are not in short supply.

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