Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Further proof that times really have changed, and not for the better

An elementary school in Colorado Springs, Colo., has banned tag.

Seems that some kids at Discovery Canyon Campus school complained that they were being chased against their will on the playground.

My, my. We certainly can’t have that, now can we?

Assistant principal Cindy Fesgen said tag “causes a lot of conflict on the playground.”

Apparently, assistant principal Cindy Fesgen doesn’t realize that when these kids grow up, they will encounter other kinds of conflict, such as traffic jams, restaurants with poor service and sports teams that lose even though you root fervently for them.

Fortunately, the folks who run Discovery Canyon Campus school haven’t turned the entire operation into a Wimp Factory. For example, running games are still allowed on the playground … as long as the kiddos don’t chase each other!

I don’t know about you, but my confidence in America’s future has just headed south. Let us all hope that some good news somewhere will provide an uptick.

If it does, I’ll blog about it.

Until then, we trust that the lads and lassies and Discovery Canyon Campus school continue to enjoy conflict-free recreational opportunities in an ecologically friendly setting that encourages mutually supportive and affirmative interactions.

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