Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Should fans running onto field be tased? Hell yes!

It’s a familiar argument about leniency vs. lowering the boom:

How should police handle fans who disrupt ball games by running onto the field?

Some punk did this Monday night in Philadelphia in a game against the Cardinals.

One of Philly’s finest tased the twerp, which upset some people.

They thought it was much too harsh. The lad’s dad said it was “definitely uncalled for.”

No word yet on whether the creep will be suing for emotional distress, but I wouldn’t rule it out.

If he does, he needs to hope I’m not on the jury.

Idiots who run onto ball fields for 15 seconds of fame are pathetic and stupid. But there are lots of pathetic and stupid people in the world, and you don’t want to encourage them.

This was a trend a few years back, and it got real annoying real quick.

In fact, on Tuesday night in Philly, the exact same thing happened again. Monkey see, monkey do.

So should these misguided souls be tased?

Hell yes! They need to learn a lesson, and it needs to sink into the tiny brains of other people thinking about copying them.

In fact, I wouldn’t stop with a little jolt of electricity.

After the moron is brought down by the taser, I’d pepper-spray him to make sure he stays down.

Then give him a major wedgie, and force him to look at photos of fat people in tiny swim suits.

And if Dick Cheney was in town, you could even waterboard him just before sending him to city jail, where he should be thrown into a small cell with a bunch of drunks about to get sick.

And by the way, make sure the entire city knows about this.

This approach, I guarantee you, will keep troublesome fans where they belong:

In the stands, whining about high concession prices and making ignorant comments about the sport and its athletes.


Mack said...

Deus volt!

Massive Ferguson said...

I would suggest batting practice.

Anne said...

Heck YES! But really, only if a couple hundred cameras and camera phones are standing by, ready for their youtube moment of fame and glory. And just one jolt is sooo lame. Give'em a couple good, long ones to make it intersting. Ideally a few exhusbands would make excellent cannon fodder! Yah.