Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A doggone shame

Once again, the depravity of the criminal mind astounds us ordinary folk.

Up in Edina, Minn., some twisted souls are even … stealing the dog poop bags thoughtfully provided by the city.

Sad but true. And as a result of this brazen thievery, the city will no longer be able to supply the bags for free to hard-working residents.

It did seem too good to last. I guess now Edina-ites will have to use an old Wal-Mart bag or yesterday’s newspaper. Oh, the humanity.

This is a body blow to the concept of civic sharing.

The city used to fill the baggie dispensers in the morning for the convenience of residents – and their dogs.

But of course, you just can’t trust some scoundrels any more.

“People walk up and take them until they're gone," said one city official. (Have they no shame?) He added that it was "not just one isolated incident. It's everywhere and often."

Tsk-tsk. I don’t know what this country is coming to when even dog poop bags are no longer respected.

Of course, another option is to cut out the middle man, so to speak. Intead of scooping and bagging, why not leave it where it lies?

It’s called fertilizer, and some day a patch of grass will thank you.


Anne said...

So, the dastardly public keeps taking them until they are gone, eh? WTF did you put them out there for if not for people to take them? Duh. Were they waiting for the bags to accru interest? Grow up? Turn into productive taxpayers?
Jeeze Louise! Sometimes I despair.Really.

Galoshes WD40 said...

Let's give Soviet Socialist Minnesota to Canada.