Monday, September 08, 2008

Ike? Yikes!

Say it ain’t so! Please tell me I'm having a bad dream about … Ike!

Ike. That’s the nickname for a beloved war hero and president. How did it turn into another fear-fest?

Most of us have barely finished unpacking from the last bugout or putting the potted plants back out on the patio. Now we have to go through the same drill all over again. Are we having fun yet?

I know that living on the Gulf Coast means living with the threat of killer ’canes. But we were hammered by Rita in ’05 and had Humberto last year and Edouard this year — not to mention our little scare from Gustav.

What I’m trying to say is … enough is enough!

It’s somebody else’s turn. I know that whoever is in the zone will be praying for a break, but we’ve had our share of tropical trauma.

Ike needs to find a lightly populated stretch of coast and bring some gentle rain inland.

But whatever happens, please, Lord, not us this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, hey, as long as New Orleans is okay, right?

-- Mack