Monday, April 21, 2008

Love that lynx

A group of animal lovers is suing the U.S. and Wildlife Service because it won’t extend federal protection to lynx in New Mexico, as it does in 14 other states.

The feds are wrong, and they should admit it.

So what does this have to do with anything?

Not much, I guess, except a lynx is the only wild cat I have seen in the wild.

It was on a trip to Colorado with a buddy; we were hiking up the spine of a mountain.

Like most lynx sightings, it was brief — a few seconds, more shadow than light.

But it was a lynx, and it was cool.

On that same hike, by the way, a golden eagle soared around us in a huge half-circle.

Those are the things you remember about a trip outdoors.

Happy Earth Day.

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